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Bannister High-Performance House
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William Peck and Associates
  Bill Peck, AIA
  Maria Isohanni


GreenCraft Builders LLC

Project Manager:

Chris Miles
E-mail Chris

PHOTO GALLERY - August 17 Update
Click photos below for larger images

Here is the front elevation of the house.

Hardie color plus siding is almost complete. Note the box in the wall for the Rinnai Tankless water heater.

Windows are cased out. Picture mould goes at the top with 8016 crown mould at the ceiling.
Hardie color plus goes up on the garage.

Bannister High-Performance House


Show house furniture will be provided by:

Outdoor furniture donor/provider:

Rain water tank provided by:

Bannister High-Performance House

Bannister High-Performance House

E=mail Chris